St. Andrew Royal Arch Chapter #146

Companions Jewel

"Every Royal Arch Mason is entitled to wear the Jewel of the Degree".

Royal Arch Masons Jewel - Obverse Royal Arch Masons Jewel - Obverse

"Nil nisi clavis deest" - "nothing but the key is wanting"

"Talia si jungere possis sit tibi scire satis" -
"if though comprehendest these things though knowest enough"

Royal Arch Masons Jewel - Obverse
Royal Arch Masons Jewel - Obverse Royal Arch Masons Jewel - Reverse

"Deo regi fratribus honor fidelitas benevolentia" -
God, King, Brother, Fidelity, Benevolence

Royal Arch Masons Jewel - Obverse